CARES Act, Funding, Giving, ppp, sba, Small Business, taxes, Update, Withholding

Rundown of New Provisions

Here is a quick rundown of the top 3 individual and business tax provisions in the COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of 2020 (part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021). Individual Provisions                 Economic Impact Payments – You may have already received a pending notification regarding your “second stimulus.” Please note, currently the law only allows $600 per taxpayer, spouse, and…

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CARES Act, Update, Withholding

Executive What?

Now that Congress is out of session for their summer vacation, the President left some notes for his Cabinet before he, too, left the White House. Leaving all politics aside, let’s dive in to the notes that were passed after class. Click on the title to read each item directly on the White House website: Executive Order on Fighting the…

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